Tackling sexual harm, building stronger communities
Tuesday, January 21
Support for Families
Restoring the Balance - A programme for families
Supporting relationships is the best way to improve peoples’ wellbeing and confidence and in turn reduce harm and the risk of reoffending. The family programme will help families with their relationships in whatever way is best for them; this could be without having direct contact with each other, but even in this case, there are still relationships which need attention. The programme can be delivered while one parent is in prison.
The family programme complements other Circles interventions that focus on specific roles and positions within the family systems, such as the Non Offending Partner Programme. For the family programme, we will work with whoever is important to the family in question, including friends who are not biologically related to the family.
There are 3 linear routes through the programme following episodic case studies each of which responds to the likely scenarios presented by service users. All are split into relevant topics and designed to assist statutory assessments regarding future decision making. Scenarios include:
Online and contact sexual offender serving a substantial prison sentence. Issues include impact on the family and value or otherwise of family contact in considering Parole decisions.
Sexual offender has abused his own children and is serving a substantial prison sentence. Issues include impact on the family and value or otherwise of limited contact with the family on release. This is designed to inform Parole and Child Protection decision-making
The third scenario involves sibling on sibling sexually harmful behaviour, the care system and can help inform Foster Care and other similar decision-making.
Topics included in the programme include:
Exploring myths about sexual harm and defining abuse
Case study work and application to service users’ circumstances
How sexually harmful behaviour is perpetrated and why
Trauma and trauma recovery
The Restorative Process and its role in recovery from trauma
Better Lives, confidence building and self-esteem
Family members are invited to join sessions and topics relevant to their role, age and in the case of perpetrators any risk they may still pose. Comprehensive reports are provided to referrers on completion of the programme. Formal assessments concerning risk of further sexual harm, capacity to protect children from sexual harm and AIM 3 youth assessments of sexual harm are also available.
If you would like to know more, to discuss a case or to make a referral please contact:
The length of this programme is flexible and sessions can be with several family members or 1-1. For further information or to make a referral, please contact Dan Leigh:
Assessment of adolescent sexually harmful behaviours (12–18-year-olds).
Using the AIM 3 structured professional judgement tool, the assessment will consider the behaviours over five domains:
Sexual Behaviour
Non-Sexual Behaviour
This assessment offers a structure to recommended interventions and safety planning to address and the identified harmful sexual behaviours. A comprehensive report will be provided with recommendations on risk management and a safety plan. . The assessment may be used to inform statutory agency safeguarding decisions in a variety of settings.