Tackling sexual harm, building stronger communities
Tuesday, December 3
Protective Adult Services
Education, assessment and intervention programmes
Breaking the Cycle
Breaking The Cycle is a programme is sexual educational intervention designed to improve a participant’s understanding of sexual harm, associated risks, signs and symptoms etc. The original programme written by Chris Wilson who co-authored the Thames Valley Sex Offender Groupwork Programme’s Non-Offending Partner Programme, has now been extended to include delivery to any adult who has care of or access to a child where there is an identified person of concern and a risk of sexual harm. Breaking The Cycle is delivered to potentially protective adults based on three key principles.
Inform – To share with participants information relating to professional understanding of child sexual abuse and to help them begin to relate that information to their own particular circumstances.
Empower – To facilitate participants ability to contextualise the person of concern’s offending behaviour thereby ensuring that any future decisions they may make relating to their relationship and / or their children’s relationship with a person of concern, is an informed decision.
Support – To decrease the isolation felt by participants and to consider and facilitate support networks to strengthen the individual’s ability to protect.
Breaking The Cycle covers the following topics:
Myths about sexual abuse
Understanding what sexual abuse and sexually harmful behaviour is
Understanding steps to offending, including motivation of the abuser
Understanding the grooming process of the protective adults and the victim/potential victim
Consider how contact and non-contact offending occurs
Exploring the function of denial for all those affected by the situation
Recognising signs and symptoms of abuse in children and also exploitation and manipulation of adults
Talking to children about sexual matters
Developing strengths and support network
Development of a Keep Safe Plan
Participants receive a handbook which outlines the content of each session and provides reference material to support learning. A Response To Intervention Report is then provided with recommendations for future work if appropriate. The assessment may be used to inform statutory agency safeguarding decisions in a variety of settings.
Work can be delivered in a group or individual setting.
For more information or to make a referral please contact us on:
Using a structured professional judgement tool this is an assessment of a parent/carer’s capacity and ability to protect a child or children in their care, from domestic and/or sexual abuse. The framework covers assessment of seventeen factors over four domains:
Internal capacity
Insight of harm
Parenting capacity
Coping capacity
A comprehensive risk assessment report will be provided. The report will also identify areas of need that will impact of the capacity to protect and supervise. Recommendations for further work and interventions will be made where appropriate. The assessment may be used to inform statutory agency safeguarding decisions in a variety of settings.